madwill's world

By madwill


I have blipped the greenhouses on this site before….there used to be a garden centre business here..sadly it closed many years ago and the buildings have been left to the elements.

There was some attempt made to clean up the site but it seems to have stalled at least four years ago and a hoarding was put up across the entrance  - to deter trespassers, I guess.

Today I went past and noticed a gap in the hoarding and I could see this old trailer inside..but the view was obscured by vegetation…however, not to be outdone, I tried out the tilting screen feature on my new tilts up and with it tilted down I was able to hold the camera up over the top of the hoarding and still see what I was shooting!!

Looks like an old pigsty on top of the trailer..

One for the DerelictWeek challenge….thanks to AngelShare for hosting

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