Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Bee industrious

I am already a day late posting this! Had a lovely dinner with friends last night - but as my body clock is still adjusting, despite getting home around 11pm, I was shattered!

I've enjoyed looking at other blippers images of birds and bees and today - I too am able to offer one!! Was quite thrilled to spot this bee busy doing it's thing while visiting Eileen's sister. So much pride taken in gardens over here. I can only admire it. I am not a gardener! And I don't remember the name of this plant and I am home alone so can't ask anyone either!

Managed to survive the heat today and was thrilled to bits that the restaurant had air-conditioning. YES! And I've already been into an Iceland and marvelled at the offers! Need another trip...

PS. Watched a little girl playing a really zany game on her iPad mini on the aircraft and looked it up today - Dumb Ways to Die. What a crazy game! LOADS of fun... laughing my head off... (I rarely play computer games but the graphics on this one really tickle me!)

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