and through the wire...

By hesscat

In Too Deep

A lunchtime walk down the road to nowhere to escape the winds and as usual, played fetch the stick from the river was the game. Here is Arlo waiting for the stick to flow out of the deep end as he will do everything to avoid going fully in. But it was stuck in that circular motion, so I threw about 4 other sticks at it to move it on... it's one stick per walk by the way., those the rules... and ended up with 5 sticks going in circles. He got one of the extra sticks out, so i used that agani to push it on and eventually it revealed itself to him, phew. Exciting huh...

Interesting tit-bit (?)... one day we played this game here and Arlo gave up waiting, ran back over the river, up to the right, approached that big log across the river and reached it that way... now that impressed me.. thinking outside the box!

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