Good Morning.......

......from my garden.

Wonderful to see the sunrise overhead as my eggs were being poached and the toast popped up in the toaster. Just a quick grab the camera shot, dash out into the cold winter air, still in my gym gear, and being careful not to go for a skate on the frost. By the time I got back inside the jug had boiled for a warm cuppa, the eggs were ready for my toast, the news was on the radio and the newspaper was at hand. I could watch the rest of the morning rise as I tucked into my eggs, a great way to start my day.

From there the day has been really busy. A girls lunch with mum, Daughter A and Daughter E, some grocery shopping, a little mall shopping, dropping Daughter A off at a friends house and then home to prepare tea and planning for tomorrow - another very busy day.

Apologies I'm unable to comment and my blips are up at all sorts of odd times, yesterdays blip was posted this morning and tomorrows blip, well its anybody's guess when that may happen - I'll be back when I can :)

Happy Wednesday everyone :)

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