Just the Withers......

By JaneW


My friend is officially now part of the Guide dogs fostering team …. This is Jeannie … she’s hopefully going to have some puppies … the minute she has puppies means she can be adopted properly by my friend A …. If she fails to have puppies she might be assessed to be a guide dog so there is a chance A wouldn’t get to keep her … UNLESS Jeannie failed as a guide dog …. We have our fingers crossed that Jeannie has a litter of future guide dogs …. That way she gets to stay with A and her family x

It’s quite complicated the system so you are told the dogs are not your property and to be aware that the outcome isn’t one you wish for … I guess it’s bittersweet as you are ultimately helping blind people but also getting attached to something really special x

PS… going for the dog ‘selfie ‘ … she’s actually a really pretty little Labrador x

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