
By Frontier

Inside / Pre Dusk

Olivia Belli - Etude No. 5 by Phillip Glass

Should have woken up when I was supposed to. Missed a delivery which meant I had to make up for my mistake and wait for the package to be resent again later in the day. I’m lucky that in Japan when you ask for a re-delivery, it gets redelivered. But I thought it was coming at three but waited until 5pm. Time is a commodity that I’m wasting on my own mistakes.

I used the time productively to exercise (1.5 hours), and reorganise important files that I’ve been storing and threw away the useless stuff which took over an hour. Reshuffling your life just means moving things around or rearranging things.

Was able to do other things that were for the house and my future outside of the house. Although I was annoyed that I missed my chance to see Deadpool and Wolverine at IMAX, I just kept telling myself that I’m saving money and the film would be best seen at home anyway. I’m not bothering with Marvel films anymore because… well… they’re not so good anymore.

I hate wasting time doing nothing and staying at home all day. I hate it. I’m still in this immature mind set that everyday should be an adventure. Meeting people and socialising really makes me feel happy. But it’s not an adventure, it’s an empty exercise of surface leading nowhere unless of course, it’s business related or leading towards a big goal, beneficial for many. I’m seeing patterns in people that I’ve seen before and know how much of a wasted investment they are. You get more picky on who to spend time with.

Reframing to think that I’m enjoying the apartment and space my wife and I worked hard for us much better. It’s the first phase towards conservatism; knowing that you’ve got something to lose after the gains from hard work.

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