Water, please

Blimey, the garden's parched. The hose doesn't reach to the front garden, so I have to do repeat trips with the watering can. So far, the evening watering routine hasn't resulted in any mosquito bites. I think the lack of stagnant water due to evaporation and no rain means less larvae and so no biters. Phew.

It was boiling on the train home. I almost alighted a stop early just to get some relief from the heat. The train wasn't even packed. The age-old advice of taking a bottle of water with you is a must!

There's a new editorial assistant starting work in a month. She came in to visit and we took her out for lunch. Her questions brought back memories of moving down from Edinburgh for my first real job in Brighton. She needs to find a place to live, but how and where, and should she flat-share? People generally thought flat-shares were a great idea for getting to know people. I lived in a house-share in Brighton and I'm still friends with a couple of guys from there. It was an interesting and knowledge-building experience. The cannabis plants with daylight lamps in the basement were a surprise and I had to watch out for dried green vegetation on my baked potato after cooking it in the microwave (that's where the leaves were dried). I'm sure my clothes were infused with the smell, which must have been interesting at work. However, it's Brighton so no one would have raised an eyebrow.

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