
By FergInCasentino

Harvest time

Despite the v dry weather the squash plants have managed a medium fruit apiece. Moscato di Provence and the (not so) Lunga di Napoli. I’m now watering the plants more generously in the hope they have autumnal fruits. Ditto the melon plants.

I’ve down spinach, chard, beet leaf chard and beetroot into the clunky start stony soil and chucked around green mustard seed (ramps) much beloved as an Italian winter standby.

The figs are in full-ish production although one tree has succumbed to some ailment.

I’m gathering pears and apples in to ripen off the tree as so many fruit fall victim to hirers, wasps and beetles.

I’ve also put in autumn and winter brassicas where there are gaps on the drip irrigation pipes. Over the years a fair few drip holes have become blocked. I wonder if these can be unblocked with a calcium solvent.

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