
By tondrijfhamer

The Great Flood

Tonight we went to the open air play in a village nearby, in Oosterwijtwerd, called De Grote Vloed ( the great flood)
All organized bij Zummerbühne. They do that every summer somewhere in the rural Groningen, my province.

Although it was nice and beautifully done, there is something with plays that bores me. The story isn’t fast enough, I don’t know.
The moment it started I knew I wasn’t completely into it and it would be a long evening.

I think I’ll skip next years edition.
It was done after 23:00 hours and getting the car from the parking took another 50 minutes.
All and all I went to bed at 0:30, setting my alarm clock at super silly o’clock, at 3:30.
Tomorrow I’ve planned a photography day with Peter.

For now 3 hours sleep ahead! Yes!

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