
By dreaming

Mono Monday: Energy

I went down to the terrace to make this photograph of the electrical parts and wires, and was amazed to discover that Mount Rainier was visible in the photo as well.  I hope you can make it out yourselves.

Had trouble getting myself going this morning, but I did some dishes and put in a pick-up order at QFC.  Everything on my list was available, a shocking departure from most of my experiences over the last few weeks.

In a few minutes I'm going to change out Sylvie's litter.  I can't put it off any longer.  When I'm in a good mood it doesn't feel terribly arduous, but I'm having to force myself to get it done.

Lex and the family are really enjoying themselves at Lake Chelan.  Manda and Andrew will be able to go out to dinner tomorrow to celebrate their anniversary because there are plenty of family to watch the boys.

Back to dialysis tomorrow.  The forecast is for the same cooler temperatures we've been enjoying recently.

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