Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Clothed in the Sun

Identification - orthetrum ramburii ramburii,

A touch of the classics in the title, for my more cultured viewers. I know, the reference isn't exactly right, but I couldn't find a naked woman.

I found the yellow carpenter bee again today. It was in the same location as the last time, which meant that I had to wade into the wet paddy field again. The resulting eight images were better than last time, but still not good enough to blip. I binned them all except one and even that should not have been kept. It is a numbers game and there will be more opportunities. A few more clicks of under exposure next time.

I got a nice shot of a group of yellow sulfur butterflies on a bloom and a good side view of a very large spider, but the dragon shot easily won in the selection for today.

Even though the dragon was sitting in a pool of sunlight, the camera would only give me 10th of a second because of the dark background. I could have gone for a manual setting, but I would have been faffing about for ages trying to get it right. Much easier to just pop the flash up, I know where I am with the flash.


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