Kookaburra time!

Back on May 29th, I blipped our friendly Kookaburra in the Grampians. We now have a resident pair in our backyard, and I managed to catch this shot as he was leaving our back lawn this morning.

They both come down to feed each day for their free mince, and no doubt they will be with us for some time to come!

Bigger wings.

Kookaburras (genus Dacelo) are terrestrial tree kingfishers native to Australia and New Guinea. They are large to very large, with a total length of 28-42 cm (11-17 in).

Kookaburras are best known for their unmistakable call, which sounds uncannily like loud, echoing human laughter. So far it has been too cold for these kookaburras to do any audible laughing!

PS. I have just been advised by DesertP that this bird is a female.

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