Caught red-pawed!
When I went out to feed the birds mid afternoon (first chance I had what with everything else that happened today), I caught Cyril red-pawed, munching his way through the sunflower feeder. One look at me though and he scarpered to the safety of the tree.
The patient was still quite poorly this morning so, after spending 40mins going through 111, then waiting an hour on a call back from a clinician, then receiving a further call telling me that an out of hours doc would visit, the out of hours doctor (that visited on Saturday) arrived this afternoon. She decided we needed to give the stronger antibiotics longer to work but if there's any further deterioration to call 999. So what with all of that palaver, and running up and downstairs to the patient who's still in bed, it's been another sunny day wasted, stuck indoors, apart from a quick trip to the bird feeders.
It's getting on for 9pm and Nurse K still needs to administer the final tablets of the day (the last of today's 34!!), then she's finally going to sit down and enjoy a mini bottle of Bank Hols bubbles, the Profiteroles will keep. She'll catch up with your journals tomorrow as it's late and she needs to try and switch off before heading to bed.
Thank you.
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