
By pensionspoet

Bank holiday walk

Jon has wanted to go for a long local walk for a long time. I'm not such a keen walker, as it hurts my hip joints after a couple of hours, but I wanted to go. Jon has a new book of walks in Norfolk, and this one was very close. A 12km walk from Bodham to Baconsthorpe past the castle (which is having work done to it) through some very pretty tiny hamlets, across a lot of fields, and eventually back to Bodham. It took us just over 3 hours, and I was struggling after 2 hours. That is my ideal length, unfortunately for Jon. He will probably do more walks from the book, on his own.

All of our offspring are doing their own thing this weekend, so we have only had to think about ourselves. It has been quite relaxing, and I've managed to get a bit of writing done. With under 15,000 words left to write it feels like I'm getting close to finishing. I have a friend who has volunteered to read what I've written so far, and today sent her 5 chapters. I'm almost desperate to rewrite the start already but am making myself finish at least with an outline of the complete book. I want honest feedback…or do I? Ha ha. Thanks C for doing this for me! My confidence is pretty low on all things at the moment for various reasons.

I've had 5 days off work and it has been lovely. I've taken Pip out on a few long walks, had a lovely pizza evening on Friday where we (at last) met Henry’s lovely young lady, and had coffee with Daniel, Mollie and Jon in Cromer. We rashly went out to Fakenham on Saturday and ordered an armchair (with a 20 week wait!) and spent half a day moving furniture around.

I still have a long list of things I didn't manage to do - the main one being the garden. I started weeding tonight, but didn't get far. If the evenings are dry ill do some this week.

3 work days this week, then another week off. Looking forward to that very much. Not looking forward to the 6 months after that when I have almost no holiday remaining, but i’ll keep working up my flex time and that should give me one day off a month!

Now a large pile of ironing is looking pleasingly at me, so that is my Monday evening sorted!!

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