
By Veronica

Same again please

Yes, another mountain landscape. Today’s walk was a one-way, one car at each end one. Boldís Jussá and Ginestarre are only a few km apart, but the configuration of the land meant it took close to an hour to dispose the cars in the right places. I am happy to report that the traumatising landslip hairpin bend in Esterri de Cardos has been repaired — I don’t think I’ll ever forget that experience. It was a doddle today — I just hope the repair is robust.

We have done this walk before, in the other direction. On that occasion it was me who had a dodgy leg slowing us down. Yesterday’s walk was entirely on forest dirt tracks which are relatively gentle, drivable gradients which worked well for G. Today’s was a narrow footpath, some of it straightforward enough, but elsewhere on the edge of a very steep slope where you really don’t want to slip, so G with his dodgy hip/pelvis/leg had to exercise extreme caution. And there were a few scrambly bits where we stood by with supporting hands and walking poles to help him over rocks. It was also very hot and without shade for the last part.

So, stats: 3.5 km, 99 m climbing, 64 m descending … two and a half hours! Including a coffee break of no more than 20 minutes. In retrospect it was not a very good choice. Still, nice views (blip), and for the last kilometre we walked through clouds of varied butterflies. Sample in extras.

By the time we’d driven to Boldís to fetch the other car and driven home, we didn’t have lunch till 3 pm. Then by common accord we all had a siesta. And this evening a very simple meal at home to make up for last night’s blowout in the restaurant.

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