Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Following Your Nose!

I love the freedom you can gain on your bike by simply following your nose, turning the handle bars and spinning the pedals. You've nowhere to be, nowhere to go, just wherever your mind's eye decides to take you. Even on a pretty grim weather day, especially given it's August, it's always a joy to be on two wheels.

Today Livy took me out beyond Hebden Bridge and Todmorden, along to Cornholme and up one of my favourite climbs; Carr Road. It's a gated road, that's never actually gated, features hairpin bends and steep gradients. From there I made my way round to Littleborough to climb back up to The White House.

I decided to finish my ride with a cheeky trip up Windy Bank at Queensbury...a local favourite to check on in snowy weather as it becomes a large slalom track!!

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