
By PicturePoems

Bruges Cathedral

... viewed from 366 steps up at the top of the bell tower (Extra). That was our first activity of a fun-filled day. It was great at the top as the bells rang while we were up there. Later, back on the ground, we heard Somewhere Over the Rainbow sounding from the tower's huge musical drum. It plays four different tunes at different times of day, and the pegs are rearranged to change the tunes every two years.

Next door is the Dali gallery, so that was our second port of call. A super collection of the artist's work, including 3D exhibits! A few made me smile. He was talented for sure.

Then we had lunch in the market square, like hundreds of others. As soon as I sat down I got a migraine aura - the second day running - but as with yesterday's no headache followed. So that was well-timed; didn't need my vision for the time it lasted.

Refreshed by a two-course lunch, we hiked to the chocolate museum. Further sustained by free samples there, we used a combined ticket to visit the lighting museum next door. Both oodles more interesting than I expected. 

On the way back to the hotel we stopped to enjoy the beauty of the tree-lined canal (Extra), and then found "closure" after last week's fall when we passed the place. Over a week on, my blood stain is still visible, though much paled. So that's that! End of holiday. 

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