
By JohnW


The energy of the wind over the past day or two emptied all of the seed feeders, denying the birds the energy that they otherwise would have got . . .
Well at least I tried.  Many thanks to ApolloFly for hosting MonoMonday ‘energy’ this week.
It’s been a good day so far.  Biskit sitting – he’s on a Sleepover  for a couple of nights while his siblings are ‘Glamping’.  Basically a fishing holiday for Ollie as the glamp site has a fishing lake.
Yesterday I mentioned that I was waiting for a reply from the sellers of my ‘new toy’.    I hadn’t heard anything so I chased up Amazon today, and guess what – complete refund and I can keep the strimmer (lightweight brush cutter) as compensation for the seller not replying. Can’t be bad.  It may only be 21V masquerading as 24V but it just about does what I need it for and it’s free!
I also managed to do the adjustments to the awning  I blipped about a couple of weeks ago.  So a good day all round – now for dinner.

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