There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

You Scream, I Scream, We ALL Scream for . . . .


Hip hip . . . HOORAY!

This is a photo of the sign on the door to the snack shop at Bald Eagle State Park, where my husband and I went for a swim on Sunday afternoon. I was heading into the snack shop for one and ONLY one reason: to discover whether the lady who runs things there had any Penn State Berkey Creamery August Pie ice cream.

Now, you've read about August Pie on these pages many times before. It is a sweet treat available at the Berkey Creamery ONLY in the month of August. August Pie is vanilla ice cream, with peaches, nectarines, and red raspberry sauce. It pairs nicely with peach crisp, in case you're wondering. :-)

Anyway, I saw the sign on the door and I saw the reflections, including the banner behind me in the sun that said ICE CREAM (the banner almost looked like a sailboat!), and I wanted the shot. I put the camera on saturation mode. SNAP! That was it! And then I went inside, and discovered that YES, OH YES YES YES! They do have August Pie!

So this sign is a beacon of hope for me now. The snack shop is open Thursday through Sunday 10 to 7. Any time I want on any of those days, I can go there to get a scoop of August Pie, whether it's August or not. FREEDOM!!!!!!! And hope! After the last of the box I have at home is gone, there is still hope for more August Pie!

Oh, happy dance!
Oh my!
More August Pie!

I wanted a soundtrack song with the word SWEET in it, for a sweet treat. So here is Axl Rose wailing on one of the GnR classics, Sweet Child O' Mine.

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