
By amandoAlentejo

Preparing Plans

Met our architect, Luís, today at 10am, who talked us through the plans for our top building, which we then handed in at the Town Council right next to where we met (the small window on left belongs to it). Took a while, and cost a bit, but a huge step, years in the making. And posting early, because whatever else happens today, this will be what marked the day for us.

At which point, Mike asked whether an earthquake destroying Mourão wouldn't be more important (there was a significant - 5.3 Richter - earthquake this morning at 5:11am, epicentre 50km off the coast of Sines, with four aftershocks, strongest in Portugal in last 50 years). Well, yes, but probably won't be blipping tonight if that happens! We think it was probably what woke us both this morning at 5ish, but we weren't aware at the time.

- Luís's patience and meticulousness
- getting this far
- the verses I read in my Bible reading just before we left for town, so encouraging

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