Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Party Time

[Backblip]. What a lovely morning! I'd invited a few of Little Man's friends from church, and their mums to come roune during the morning (whilst the little people are freshest). I purposefully hadn't organised any games or anything because I had a feeling that the children would have more fun just playing together, which they did. I'd hoped we'd be able to go outside and enjoy the garden, but the weather was a bit too unpredictable so we were inside, instead. Caleb came round to help getting the last few things sorted out, like hanging up the balloons and the bunting. Having bunting hanging up over the family birthdays have been a big part of my childhood and I wanted to pass that on to Little Man.

Little Man spent the afternoon playing with his new toys and then went to bed early as he hadn't slept during the afternoon. He's been a darling and ended up taking some of his presents to bed with him.

On a side now, it appears I've developed something of a cough. It hits hardest at night but had left me feeling tired and dependant on cough medication and my inhaler.

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