With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


I had a day trip with Scooby planned. I had picnic things and the bag packed and a plan. After a delivery. I hopped in the van and … nothing. I borrowed Ben’s car before he had to leave for work, did my delivery and then returned to call the pick up truck. The mechanic jump started it again but said I need a new battery. 6 years old! Grumble grumble. So I took it for an hours drive to recharge and stopped in front of the house with different plans, but it wouldn’t start again. My neighbour’s son kindly jump started me again so I could dump the van at the shop. I’ll get a new battery tomorrow.
In need of something like an hour or two off, I walked up to the pool for 30 lengths and a sit in the sun. The walk back felt so much better too. There is big party stuff going on in town, but I think I’ll need to be up and at ‘em tomorrow to get sorted.

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