A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Holding Our Breath

I was gathering a few items to continue staining the deck when I spotted a monarch butterfly struggling in the grass. It was in an odd place and the grass was damp from overnight dew. Although a chrysalis was no where in sight I assumed it may have fallen to the ground before it was ready to fly • I cupped my hands together hoping the monarch would join me on a short walk. She eagerly crawled up my arm before I set her on the pink buddleia plant. It’s three hours later and she’s still there • Despite frequently opening her wings, at times shaking them like a dog who’s trying to dry off, both wings are still crumpled/folded. I keep checking on her hoping for progress • I’m not optimistic and we’re both devastated • More staining got done, with the floor and some fine detail work left to do • A beautiful late summer day with showers expected this week • Peace & Love

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