
By EllyJay


On New Year’s Day 1866, ten lives were lost when the Albion was wrecked off the Point of Oxan on Graemsay in Hoy Sound.

The ship had left Liverpool bound for New York twelve days previously and had experienced unrelenting stormy weather throughout the journey  She narrowly escaped being wrecked on St. Kilda, and bore up for Orkney after a desperate but abortive effort to reach Stornoway.  The ship’s sails were torn to shreds and the cordage worn out.

A Graemsay man called Joseph Mowatt lost his life while attempting to save the lives of the crew of the Albion.  This shipwreck led directly to the RNLI establishing a lifeboat station at Stromness, Graemsay is a small neighbouring island to Stromness. 

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