
By tridral

Dim ond y bryn

Dim ond y bryn ~ Just the hill

“To be means to inter-be. A flower has to inter-be with everything else. She has to inter-be with the sunshine, with the cloud, with everything else. She doesn't have a separate existence. Being means co-being. Existing means co-existing.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh

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Tipyn bach gwell eto heddiw. Roeddwn i'n gallu addysgu yn y bore. roedd Nor'dzin yn well yn y prynhawn. Dydyn ni ddim cant y cant eto. Es I i'r maes defaid eto. heddiw oedd cymylog, oer a bwrw glaw. Yn y noswaith gwnaethon ni edrych ar fwy o ffyrdd i wneud yr hetiau am ddawns arbennig. Y llynedd roedd fy Blipfoto yn llawn o ddigwyddiadau o gwmpas Drala Jong. Eleni mae'n ddim ond y bryn mewn tywydd gwahanol.

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A little bit better today. I could teach in the morning. Nor'dzin was better in the afternoon. We're not a hundred percent yet. I went to the sheep field again. today was cloudy, cold and raining. In the evening we looked at more ways to make the hats for a special dance. Last year my Blipfoto was full of events around Drala Jong. This year it's just the hill in different weather.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Bryniau, caeau, cymylau, glaw, dafad
Description (English): Hills, fields, clouds, rain, sheep

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