
By dunkyc

The Apartment(s)

I didn’t really drink that much last night, but my head was definitely a little tender this morning! 

Feeling a little restless as I came to, for some unknown reason I had an urge to visit the Trafford Centre today. I’ve been a couple of times, but always for a specific purpose or with someone else in mind, so today was the first time that I could go and have a wander without agenda.

It was quite nice for a little while and I scored a bargain of a new top from John Lewis as well as finding a quiet spot for a delicious burrito, but I soon got tired and bored. I don’t think retail therapy is really my thing!

Returning home I pottered about for a bit and started the process of bring together all of the things the wee ones and I will need for our caravan break this week. 

Then it was off out again - I know, two nights running! Who am I? George Best? - for a few drinks and a catch up with Rusty, which was as good fun as ever. We did however end up in one of Kendal’s rougher establishments and whilst we didn’t linger long, we had enough time for Russ to tell me that on a previous night out when I was well and truly inebriated, I had stumbled through some karaoke in this same place, before stepping outside to get some cash, only to walk back into an entirely different pub minutes later and asking them how they’d packed the karaoke stuff away so quickly!

I don’t think I’ve ever been that leathered before or since.

As I made my merry way home, I took this one of the building on the opposite side of the river near my home. Given that the building is an absolute monstrosity in the daytime, I thought that it actually looked reasonably pretty all lit up!

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