
By Overlander

Mysterium Cordis....

..... enjoying the time at work with the Team. Breakfast together .... a luxury as we tend to drink coffee on the run...

A Statue in the main Door...

Mysterium Cordis .... translated from German... 

Rhythm, movement are life.
In us humans, this is taken care of by the heart.
The venous cross with which the heart is held points to the four spatial directions in which the heart is actively integrated through the blood circulation.
The blood encounters spherical forces and light in the head area through the senses and through thinking.
In the middle chest area, with the breathing and heart rhythm, the blood is rhythmized and filled with feelings.
In the limb metabolic area, the blood internalizes the external world in the form of food and through the movements performed.
The heart is in a relationship with spiritual, psychological and physical phenomena.
The heart is not a mechanical pump, but regulates the flow of water like a dam. It listens like an ear as an organ of compassion. It is a pulsating center that experiences the external and internal world.
If it is healthy, then it equals life, joy and love.
In the relief, the heart and blood circulation are shown in a shape that is adapted to the size of the person.
In this way the person can stand in front of it with the qualities of the heart together. ....

Appreciate the visits and the lovely Gestures..

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