Joyful Reaper

By Joyful

Spaghetti Sauce

This morning I went to a nearby farm and picked up a bushel of canning tomatoes.
When I got back Missy Ann was waiting for me and we jumped right into the preparations for making and canning Spaghetti Sauce.
     She cleaned and cut while I turned the handle on the Victoro machine and made light hearted jokes and other delightful banter.
     By noon the tomatoes had been converted into a watery slurry and for the next 4 hours it sat on the stove (hob) and gently simmered it's way into a delicious sauce ready for canning.  
     And by 7 pm the full jars were cooling on the counter while we cleaned all the tomato splattered tools and utensils.
    A full, productive day!

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