A time for everything

By turnx3

Todd Fork Bridge

We got a bit of a late start this morning, and having had breakfast, and done our Duolingo, it was late morning before we got the bikes on the car, and drove to the bike trail at South Lebanon. It was already pretty hot, but fortunately most of the trail is shaded. However I still wasn’t feeling very energetic, so as usual, as I was approaching my turn around point, R speeded up and did an extra couple of miles, catching me up on the way back. This bridge in the town of Morrow, crossing over Todd Fork, has been recently renovated and repainted, much improved over its former somewhat rusty appearance.
In the afternoon, after a cooling shower, I did some laundry and reading. Dinner, Salade Niçoise with fresh Tuna, was enjoyed out on the patio again.

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