
By Wildwood

Micro Greens

For reasons even he doesn't understand, John decided in the middle of the night to cancel the plan to go to the Farmers' Market. Dana and Jim were going to pick us up because Dana wanted to secure a flat of peaches before they sold out. Once he was up and a bit more compos mentis, he decided he was fine and I told him that the middle of the night wasn't the best of times to make decisions about anything. We decided to go to Spike's meadow instead and Dana brought us the micro greens from the market. I'm putting a picture of a puppy we met on the trail; Sage, a Bernese Mountain Dog  puppy, with her big sister, Jaya, who we have met before, in extras. 

I continue to puzzle out the Klee quilt. It's a bit presumptuous of me to call it that...Klee inspired quilt would be better, but it is quite a challenge. I spend more time sitting and contemplating it all than I do actually producing anything, but slowly, one piece at a time, it is taking shape. While I work, I've been listening to a podcast about an explosion and fire on the Piper Alpha oil rig in the North Sea. 

I can't help thinking about John's story about visiting one of these North Sea rigs. He was consulting at the Grangemouth Refinery in Scotland, and the people he was working with organized a trip out to the platforms as a 'thank you' for his help. He said he has never been so scared.  He was flown in a Sikorsky helicopter from Sollum Voe, an oil and gas terminal in the Shetlands, out to the platforms. From there, he was flown between platforms on a tiny helicopter by an ex-Vietnam helicopter jockey in a Force 9 gale. If it reaches Force 10 they won't fly. Having to put on a survival suit before getting into this little chopper didn't make him feel any braver. Having heard his description of these large floating cities I thought the whole thing sounded quite terrifying..Those workers were well paid, but you couldn't pay me enough to do it....

I did take a break for lunch, leftover potato leek soup I made for dinner last night with potatoes and green onions from our garden. Tonight we'll have salad with our lettuce and some microgreens for garnish.

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