simple moments

By simplemoments

rare shot…

…of a


over the balcony

i heard that unmistakable - sound hummingbirds make - when they zip past you - a few had visited - the area lately but hadn’t - stopped yet i wondered - if it was going to - be different this time - i had put a feeder - out but the upkeep - is just too much - for me to maintain - however i have new - neighbors who moved in - and put them out - and i thought maybe - that’d make a difference

so just in case - i grabbed my camera - and waited and not - for long either - i had to lean over the - balcony to get the shot - a bit precarious i admit - all things considered however - it was a quick - snap, snap with a prayer - for good focus - since i only managed - a couple photos - this was the best - no complaints i don’t think - a cute little thing - sitting pretty and giving me…


happy day…..

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