
By Arachne

When B and I shared out our joint possessions, we were scrupulously fair but not everything worked out coherently. I have had to buy spoons to create a usable set of cutlery and I own such a confusing mish-mash of bedding that when people come to stay I can't find what I need. (And my favourite duvet cover disappeared in the move from my temporary attic back into my house - never, ever, pack stuff you want to move into a black plastic bin-bag.)

So today I had a huge and satisfying sort-out. I offered my spares to the family; Secondborn would like some and B, whose stuff is still mostly in boxes, would like the rest. I'm quite sure that when he gets round to opening his boxes he will find himself with his own version of a confusing mish-mash, but that can get sorted out further down the line.

When today's Biblical rain finally stopped, I went for a walk in the evening sun looking for reflections. Despite appearances, this is not a house.

Black and white in colour 290

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