Lala's Journal

By Lala

A Novel Idea

Despite the awful weather, a not so bad day for me. 
I was up early, and as it was only a slight drizzle I walked the dog. Got home, dis two loads of washing, hoovered etc and as the rain began, the gardener messaged and said it wasn’t worth her coming over. Only 10am and I was bored! 
So, I decided to find the M&S food hall a friend had told me about and set off. I should have known better really, because the route is past the outlet centre, and having spent a fair few pounds in the shop, and getting half drowned just getting back to the car, it took an hour to get home. When it rains, and people can’t go to the beach, they go shopping and it took half an hour to negotiate the outlet roundabouts!

I was due to be picked up at 2pm to go to Appledore flower festival, but at 12:30 the ‘driver’ messaged and said she wasn’t going to bother in the rain. By 2pm the rain had stopped, So, I got the car back out the garage and picked Ann up. I’m glad we did it. Appledore is a beautiful village, very small but with such a great community. Typically old English, and the rain hadn’t put any of them off either. The theme this year was A novel idea, and the interpretations were great. I’ve chosen just four today, but expect to see more!

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