fools challenge

By ladypop

Three at sunset

A wet start, then cloudy, more rain and this evening the sun came out.

Woke up to rain, had breakfast, did the ironing, housework and made a pear and ginger cake.  This afternoon I drove to K's and then to a friends and we all went out to a local garden centre.  Had a cup of tea and cake then wandered through the centre, brought a few things including a birthday present.  Drove home, dropping my friend home and then K.  Later cleaned the inside of the car, outside tomorrow hopefully. After tea K called round and we went for a walk, the best part of the day but pleased to have had some rain at last and not having to water the garden!

I took a few photos whilst we were walking but I liked this one with the three rows of barbed wire, the three pigeons and in the top right corner the telegraph wires!

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