Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Good Moring

Bev and I were putting out the course at Parkrun early this morning when we were stopped by a chap walking through the park.  He wanted to know if we had drawn the 'start' on the path.  He was difficult to read and we were both ready with a, 'the rain will quickly wash it away', 'It's only chalk, not permanent.' But he just smiled and said, 'There's an N in morning!'  We all had a good laugh and blamed the spelling error on P and C who were setting up at the top end of the park.

Having finished coning and signing and checking the course for fallen debris after the tail end of Lilian, we returned for our cuppas.  Event Director C asked if all was well and we said sadly not, there was an issue, and took them over to the offending message at the start!  So here is P, one of our regular volunteers (who also brings me bars of 85% chocolate for my photos, what a star!) sheepishly correcting the spelling error.  I told him I expected him to write it out 100 times and C said, 'Once a teacher.....'  I love our setup team, they are such smashing people.

Back home I processed my photos but as our Facebook page has gone down (along with a number of other Parkrun FB sites!) we are struggling to get our photos and messages out there at the moment.

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