There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Tall Jewelweed, Hidden Fawn: You Can't See Me!

It was morning. My husband came back inside the house from the yard, and told me to come outside and bring my camera. As it turned out, Mama Doe had hidden her two fawns at the edge of the yard, and told them to stay put there. Did they listen? Why no, not so much. In minutes, the fawns were up and moving about.

Then, Mama came by, and she collected the two fawns, and they all walked through the backyard, and on to wherever it is that they spend most of their days. In the midst of the scene, one of the fawns stood up and looked at me. It thought it was hidden behind the jewelweed that the hummingbirds adore. Hello, fawn, I see you!!!

Two additional but unrelated updates:

In other news, we've found several monarch caterpillars in the milkweed patch, and soon I'll try to show you a picture. There are at least two big ones, each about the size of a bus. And there's at least one mini one, about the size of a motor scooter. They are eating like champs!

I'm also surprised and delighted to tell you that the pill bottle that disappeared "forever" has turned up again! On July 13 (original story here), I bumped the white 7-drawer plastic storage unit by the bed. In doing so, I knocked my water bottle over, and IT knocked over a pill bottle. 

The pill bottle fell down behind the white 7-drawer unit, and rattled all the way down. Ping pong! Ping pong! It was like a pinball game! It hit many times on the way down . . . then disappeared forever.

Well, forever isn't as long as you might think. Today, I found the pill bottle. It was INSIDE and to the very back of the drawer that is second from the floor, amid some ladies' undies. I pulled the whole drawer out looking for something. There was the pill bottle!

Now, we STILL have no idea how it got inside the drawer. Every drawer on the chest was CLOSED at the time that the disappearance occurred. I took the pill bottle out of the drawer. I closed the drawer. I opened it part-way. In neither state could I toss/drop/slide the pill bottle inside. THAT part still remains a mystery, but I'm glad to have it back!

This incident rates pretty high on the weird-stuff-ometer. It's like that time I lost my credit card in the Walmart parking lot. I put my groceries in the trunk, went home, and couldn't find the credit card. Looked everywhere. No credit card. Called up the credit card company, declared it lost, they cancelled it and issued a new one.

YEARS later, my husband and I got into the trunk of my Mazda, pulled out the trunk liner, pulled out everything else, including the jack and the spare tire. Guess what we found: yes, there BENEATH the spare tire (BENEATH it, I cannot stress this enough!) was the missing credit card. 

Now, how I managed to get that credit card down in there, we still don't know. You could spend a hundred hours - no, a thousand! - standing by the car flicking credit cards into an open trunk, and never do what I managed to do. It is impossible to do. And yet, I did it!

So it is that the missing pill bottle now joins the annals of the missing credit card from that long-ago story. For his part, my husband told me he believes the pill bottle might be cursed! Anyway, cursed or no, we're glad to have it back. The mystery of how it got there remains unsolved!

My soundtrack song for the image of the fawn who thinks it's hidden has to include the word see. So I'm giving you England Dan & John Ford Coley, with I'd Really Love to See You Tonight. (Few will remember that the song was used in the 1977-78 coming-of-age TV show starring Lance Kerwin, James at 15.)

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