BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

After .........

 ............ the horribleness of yesterday afternoon/evening (see my Friday blip) Whisper has spent a very quiet night and quieter morning mostly sleeping  -  I had bad dreams and got up at 05.00 to make sure the dreams were actually dreams and not reality - the pooch was alive, breathing and I got a half-asleep-end-of-tail waggle.   Phew.

Today he had to have his worming tablets and also start his course of whatever it was the vet gave me - I broke the wormies into four (eight quarters) and the other tablet was very small so I made 12 cheese balls - nine with concealed tablets, three without.  They were eaten.
This afternoon his second of three tablets a day was rolled into a thin slice of ham - that went too.  Yay!  He seems a lot more perky and there's a lot less head shaking and scratching so fingers crossed!
I still feel guilty.

The torrential rain, that was torrenting when I got up almost 12 hours ago, has just stopped (16.47) and the sun is trying to push through ...... 

~ Anni ~

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