Light relief
Today has been spent getting more move-related tasks done: a procession of double glazing salespeople and a BT engineer who had got the wrong idea of why we'd called him out, despite having explained it 3 times to the lady at the call centre, notifying people of change of address - some who were happy to do it over the phone, others who had to have it in writing. The jobs that I was looking forward to - catching up with my BTO garden birdwatch records, doing a bit of tidying in the front garden, doing a little Blipwalk around the neighbourhood - didn't get done. One thing I did make a few minutes for was what can be seen in this blip. We inherited quite a few bits of garden ornamentation from the previous owners, much of which is to be disposed of. However there are a couple of things a thought worthy of rescue hidden in the undergrowth. I had given this lighthouse a good cleaning earlier, and today it got a fresh coat of paint. I'm planning to put on some red stripes next,
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