
By maureen6002

Up close and personal

Well, our long weekend is not going as planned! Lili has developed a really bad cold which means she’s just not sleeping and Solveig, particularly, is exhausted. Of course, there’s also the concern that I could catch the cold which in turn could mean cancelled surgery. It’s disappointing, but a sensible decision for them to stay at home. 

So instead of the likely photographs of Lili, you have an ‘up close and personal’ shot of a Common Darter from RSPB Conwy. I’d far rather find a larger more exotic dragonfly, but like butterflies, they seem to have vanished from the local area, and I’m more than grateful that this one stops and poses for me - even if it is on the wooden boardwalk. 

I’m going with the head-on shot as my main (better viewed large) though I’m tempted by the in flight shot - with a couple of other shots as extras. 

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