
By SparseRunner


My first meeting today was online at 10:00, so I took that at home after walking Django. It was with someone from a organisation that put on a residential reading week that I attended in 1983. It's celebrating its centenary and wants alumni stories. I agreed because it was a notable event for me, not just because I got to spend time with people better than me at maths for the first time, but for social reasons. In no particular order, these were seeing Helen Mirren play Moll Cutpurse in "The Roaring Girl" at Stratford, going on a long run with one of the tutors, and my first opportunity to spend time with girls. I had quite a crush on one of them...

In work I met with one of our Business Development people, in an attempt by the School to find out how it can make more of HiGHS. I then had a little time to eat before catching up with И. Finally I met with researcher J, who has written ten pages of a paper! 

By then I was tired, so I did the University's mandatory Data Protection course. Unfortunately I only got 92% on the pre-test, where 100% would have seen the course waived. Despite immediately getting 100% in the (easier) end-of-course test, I still had to play all the videos (on mute, whilst working) to tick the box.

Kermit doesn't like posing for photos 

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