
By LesTension


Today there was a mid-day scrimmage (practice vs. another team) by the local high school football team.  Home team in red jersey / visiting team in white.  Both sides (offense and defense) get to run a series of plays against the other team and they switch after each series.  Basically just a short "game" against a team they've not seen before and a practice to see how well your "plays" are coming together.
Here, our senior end (#31) catches a one-handed pass from his quarterback while the player in white defends.....not so successfully in this case.
Each coach gets to see how each of his players is progressing and a video of the practice allows coaches to see clearly and make adjustments to player technique.  I shoot the event for the local newspaper and it's critical to my getting my "eye" back again.  Action sport photo timing takes a lot of practice and the more you do it the better you get at it.  Now I'm off to another school for an early season Cross Country meet.  Another chance to work on my timing.

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