Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Of to the city - us, not the paddlers!

We were off to Edinburgh today to stay with Daughter Two for the weekend. I hoped to spend Saturday in the Royal Mile, taking picture of Fringe people. The ladies were going to see an exhibition.

I had a Photo Club meeting just after lunch which went on longer than it should have, so we didn't leave until nearly 4pm. Dull weather improved the further west we drove and after a pit stop at Loch Lubnaig, where I took this picture, we carried on, and by the time we reached the M9 the sun was out and stayed with us into Edinburgh. My extra today is of a friendly crow who flew into a nearby tree.

Quote of the day: ' It is better to listen to a crow that lives in tree than to a learned man who lives only in ideas.' - Kate Horsley.

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