secret garden

By freespiral

Friendship & Solidarity: Siocháin agus Saoirse

An odd day! I haven't left Ahakista for a fortnight due to car troubles so when Ginny asked me if I'd like a ticket to a secret concert as part of the Masters of Tradition festival in Bantry, I jumped at it. It was a lunchtime concert and the bus more or less worked, (I couldn't go further than Bantry, very wobbly and hot)  Four hours is probably about three more than you strictly need in Bantry but I went to the library, stocked up on Epsom salts and met quite a few people I hadn't seen for ages. I had a mooch around the market and my main pic is in response to Kendall's blip yesterday - a core of passionate volunteers  who (wo)man a weekly stall in aid of Palestine and today St Brendan was suitably messaged. The market was busy and full of huddles of people looking as though they were putting the world to right. 
The concert was held in the old Protestant church and featured a small charismatic Spaniard  virtuoso who proceeded to play the Asturian bagpipes with skill and charm. We were warned that the sound could be heard across several villages but the sheer decibel level was cosmic!  Here's a sample

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