
By WeeDragon_J

Flowers for Me

Hope you don't mind another Blip of bought flowers.

I got a call to go back to the Doctors today. That usually sets alarm bells off! Poked & prodded, discussed, didn't get good news & more tests to be done.

Bought bright flowers full price & a tiny bunch of white which were in the discount bucket to try (kid myself) to feel better. I would have bought chocolate too but can't take with antibiotics.

4th day of antibiotics - and I'm all over the place but at least I've had my tea tonight of filled rolls!

Looking forward to the gardening progs tonight.

Thank goodness I have a messy garden which I can wander & sit in when I feel like it.

Have a good weekend & thank you for all the stars & favourites for yesterday's beautiful butterfly & clematis flower.

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