
By StillLearning


I first noticed a candelabra primula in a woodland garden near West Linton and was completely charmed.  I am not sure what it was that caused my reaction - maybe it was the surprise at the range of colours and their clarity (yellows, oranges, reds were all well represented).  Most likely, I think it was the shape of the flower stalk.  I was used to primulas with a strong stalk and a few flowers at the top but this was different.  After a while, this primula sends out a circle of delightful flowers pointing in all directions,  Not content with that, its stalk proceeds upwards to a second whorl, then onwards and upwards for some more.  They remind me of skimming stones in the water when the stone leaves ripples as it touches the water.  This shot shows three tiers at different stages.  I resolved to always have them in my garden.  I’ve allocated a good spot for them here planted quite a few and invited them to compete to produce the greatest number of tiers.  Garden nurseries say six tiers at the most but I have only managed three.  I need to speak to them - four tiers or you’re out!

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