
By LadyFindhorn

Gaan Oot!

Just when you think autumn has arrived, along comes a day of sunshine and warmth that has me on the point of discarding my jumper as I sit in the garden writing this blog.

I had the quickest ever turn around from getting back from the sea (mirror calm with midges on the side) and catching the bus to Kirkwall this morning. There was nothing that I had in mind to do in the wee smoke other than have a change of scenery and a coffee inside rather than outdoors. 
I found the perfect spot in the garden centre where it was quiet enough not to feel pressurised to leave.

I had a slow dawdle round roads and lanes less travelled before looking at my watch and noticing I had 30 minutes until the next bus back to Stromness, just enough time to walk through Shearer’s emporium where it is possible to buy everything from bakery items  to barbed wire. I bought milk.

As I write this, the Hamnavoe ferry from Scrabster is gliding past on a blue sea under a blue sky bringing passengers who must feel  they have arrived in paradise. I hope they won’t be disappointed in the weather too quickly.

In the sunshine, I have just finished reading Rob Rinder’s book ‘The Trial’ which I found a page turner. Now I have to make a decision whether to exit the garden and return the book to the library or stay put and start reading ‘Swimming with the Seals’ by Victoria Whitworth whom the blurb tell me lives near the sea in Edinburgh. Presumably she doesn’t swim in Porty- jellyfish yes, seals not so much.

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