madwill's world

By madwill

It’s A Dog’s Life

Our canine guests certainly make themselves at home when they are here…this was the scene in our front room at around 6 a.m. and they don’t tend to  move very far during the day!

Just a quick snap with the little camera and pop-up flash…

Buzz is nearest, Oreo is the bigger one.

We have been out most of the day…to celebrate our (44th) wedding anniversary. We went to Northallerton, had coffee, a wander around the town, a large lunch in The Golden Lion Hotel and then purchased a few treats from Lewis & Cooper delicatessen, so that we can have a nice snack for tea later.

It has been very ‘breezy’ here .. so much so that part of the Leeds Festival (taking place just across the A1 from here)  has had to be closed. Tents are blowing away and some of the stages are unsafe. 

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