The Sunny Side

By SunnySundaes

The Hip Bone’s Connected to the…

9 minutes to spare before my massage - popped into Paris Baguette for a quick bite to eat. I was ravenous and wouldn’t be able to quiet a growling stomach through a whole hour of silence. I didn’t get any pastries, but I thought they were photogenic. I got a small sandwich instead - much more behaved.

My lower back seized up two days ago, and while it’s improved, it’s incredibly tight. The problem, as I suspected, was (remains to be) in my hips, so that’s what Cynthia focused on today. As she worked on my hip, my neck cracked and released several times- it’s wild how connected everything is. I walked out of there feeling like a brand new person. I’m sore and bruised tonight, but I feel so much better.

My parents were in town this afternoon. They bought tickets to see Disney’s Frozen on Ice, hoping that we would join them at 2pm on a Thursday. What is work? And what is daycare? They seem to have forgotten now that they are retired., lol! So they went to this show just the two of them, then came to visit afterwards. Mimi had a lovely evening with her grandparents. We had a small fashion show as I had her try on outfits as part of my packing process. We leave for vacation in less than 2 weeks! Very excited. And doubly excited by the last day of the DNC this evening.

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