BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles

The physical side of...

I grew up listening to music from a very young age, mostly influenced by my father. Then when I was at school my peers and I would exchange our latest finds. MTV was my religion too when I could watch it around friends houses as we didn't have more than 4 channels on TV.

I was into mainly rock and grunge, I had the long hair and questionable clothing that came along with it.

To this day music is such a big part of my life long after the haircut. I did have a few bits of vinyl in the 80s but I was mainly part of the CD generation. I'd spend my hard earned money (part time job when a student) on albums regularly and going to concerts. Listening to music was my comfort and passion.

Some album really stick out in my life and the latest vinyl I've purchased hits on the hearts strings so much.

Stephen Wilson Jr's album "Son of Dad" hits hard with me, not only the link to Father/Son relationships but also his love of genres and things that were going on during the 90's.

Vinyl is the the right format for this album, the physical discs and artwork take me back to my early finding myself days. Also it's 22 tracks over 3 Discs.

Year to be young 1994

Mr Bo Hingles

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