
By Ridgeback13


Started the day with a bright but very windy walk over to the Traverse to see So Young, a very funny and beautifully acted 4 handed play about a couple being shocked when their longstanding friend gets engaged to someone half his age shortly after the death of his wife. Clever writing and great comic timing from the actors.
Home and had another gardener visit, but he was very unimpressive so I wasn’t bothered when he emailed later to say he didn’t want to do the work.
The afternoon was a new session at the book festival..Table Talk series where cookery book writers cook whilst talking about their books and experiences. CR and I managed to sit on the front row and enjoyed Julius Roberts making a ratatouille galette (which was very tasty!).
Home for one more garden quote, then did some reviewing of applications before meeting CR and Laura for some tasty Thai food before a great evening of dance. Crystal Pite choreographed and directed an engaging mix of fantasy/Arthurian cosplay spinning out of a very funny take on a community group AGM. Very hard to explain but fabulous movement, clever soundscape and wonderful production creating beautiful tableaux. Home, buzzing again!

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